Upcoming in-store event at Store 104 with author Willy Francis
email eleanor@store104.co.uk to book your place!


16th February 2022, starting at 2pm (Link to tickets here)
Store 104 in Rochester High Street, Kent - hometown of Author Willy Francis - will be hosting a ticketed in-store event with Willy. The event will feature a reading from him, followed by various activities such as:
⮕ Comparing your feet to the largest known Bigfoot print (+ free poster)
⮕ A hidden Bigfoot map search
⮕ Creating and designing your own evidence files
Ticket holders will each receive a badge and an A3 poster of a Bigfoot print and size chart.

We're very proud and excited to announce that Store 104 will be stocking copies of BIGFEETS. So, if you're a local and would like to support a local writer, or just in historic Rochester for the day, taking in the sights, why not pop along and pick up a copy? In-store from today.

Why All children should love BIGFEETS...
- Written by Author Willy Francis

BIGFEETS are superheroes. Yes, you read that correctly, superheroes… And I’ll tell you why.
They have super strength: Through sheer size and power, BIGFEETS can rip trees from the ground, tear puny limbs from human bodies, wrestle mean grizzly bears in their sleep and hurl mighty boulders at hikers as if they were tossing mere.
Invisibility: BIGFEETS have the ability to blend in with their scenery. It is thought that the hair that covers their gigantic bodies can blend with light, camouflaging them perfectly. This partly accounts for their well-documented blurriness… well, that and terrible camerawork of the common YouTube hoaxer.
BIGFEETS can time travel: A well-known fact (mainly amongst bigfoot researchers) is that some types of BIGFEETS are inter-dimensional travellers. It’s how they so easily escape detection. They don’t just hide or scamper off, no, sometimes they just casually open an interdimensional gateway (with the help of a Dogman, of course!) and slip away undetected. Sound strangely familiar?
Telepathy: Many an explorer, adventurer or lost hiker has reported telepathic contact with a BIGFEET, also known as Mind Speech. When not pointing out to us that we don’t have suitable footwear, any sense of direction and respect for weather conditions, BIGFEETS like nothing more than reminding us humans to stop destroying the planet that we share with them and instead learn to love and care for it. So far, we seem to have ignored their advice, although hiking footwear has come a long way.
Finally, they STINK: Although I’m not entirely sure that just being smelly qualifies as a super-power, I think it should come under consideration. Especially when some BIGFEETS, namely the Skunk Ape of Florida, smell as terrible as reported - as if they have bathed a boggy poo, scented heavily with the essence of wet-dog and bad dad-farts, sprinkled with a hint unwashed gym sock - then yes, I believe this incredible characteristic should count as a superpower.
So, there you have it. When you’re next thinking of who your favourite superhero is, forget Ironman, Wonder Woman and Jeff Capes, compared to these made up, comic book dandies (Jeff aside) BIGFEETS are the real deal. They just don’t get the credit they deserve because they are shy and no-one believes they are real, especially now you know they have super powers…